The Creative Color Challenge this month was RED! Not a usual colour for me to create with, but always up for a challenge I started with some junk mail journalling - creating journal pages with hidden message from a stationery catalogue:
This type of journaling (which I love!) also fitted in nicely with the short online course I have been doing with the Art Journaler It's called 'Anatomy of a Page' and has been fun to follow. The girls over at The Art Journaler (StarGardener and MessyCanvas) shared their own journal pages and the history of the page. Fascinating and inspiring!! I tried out some different techniques including 'altered book' work, but more of that next time...
So, back to my usual pages which are paint, stencil, journal and collage
Surpisingly, the red colour DID inspire me and it WAS a JOY to create with it. I was initially scared to use it - it's so strong and its associations of danger, passion, fire and basic survival kicked off some deep felt issues for me - it was very useful to work through some of them when I was working on the journal pages - writing and painting always helps!!
If you feel inspired to join the Creative Color Challenge head over here - there's a different colour palette to work with every month.
And if you want some art journal inspiration or prompts, the Art Jounaler is here...
Happy journalling!!