It's Friday and for me that means a day in the studio painting. It's also November and that means it's Art Every Day Month. We're already a week in, but if you haven't started yet you can start anytime.
I've been working in my journal in preparation for my Glorious Goddess workshop on 21 Secrets 2014. And I've been posting on IG and FB with the hashtag #goddessjournal so if you like, you can see all the goddess pages together.
You can join in #AEDM any way you like - a page a day in your art journal, a painting a day if you feel so inspired, making art with your kids, baking a cake, knitting, a photo for IG, writing a poem - whatever you have time for in your busy schedule. And if you miss a day (I missed a couple this week) it really doesn't matter. It's just a gentle reminder that we can be creative every day even for just 10 minutes to doodle in the coffee shop or while you're on the phone to your friend or like today, spending a good chunk of time with the paint.
AEDM links in nicely with my last post about Maintaining Creativity - if you're looking for some peer support and a creative tribe to join for a few weeks, this could be it.
Five ways you might be creative every day:
Once you've created your piece of art, you can share online on your blog, on IG, FB and Twitter using the hashtags #aedm and #aedm2013 - or don't share at all, just know that you have honoured your creativity for another day.
Art Every Day Month is hosted by lovely Leah Piken Kolidas over at Creative Every Day - for more info just follow the link.
There's been a bit of a blue and green theme going on the last couple of days - seems like lots of healing on the green ray for the heart and general balancing is what's needed around here. Are you interested in the effect colour has on us? On our physical and emotional being?
Would you like to know more about colour for healing through art? Using your journal as a safe and sacred space to do this?
I am putting together ideas for online courses for next year and would love to know what you think.
Please leave me a note in the comments box below or contact me and let me know.
From my heart to yours
Rachel xox