After a brief foray into Spring pastels last month my bold bright colours are back.
And so am I! I think I have already said in previous posts this year that up to now I have found 2013 tough going so far; some days it just felt like too much and I was worried that my black crow of depression had returned to roost. But sometime in mid March, just before the equinox, the pendulum swung back again and my mojo has returned. Hooray!
My energy has shifted and it's feeling good. I think you can tell in my paintings. This painting of Ostara, goddess of Spring and new growth, says exactly how I'm feeling.
I like the pastel colours, don't get me wrong (and so do lots of you - I had lots of lovely feedback on Facebook and IG about the pastel garden goddesses) they gave me a soft quiet energy when I needed it. When my own personal energy was low and a bit lost, this is what was coming through in the art. They were also an important part of my self care when I was not feeling like me - daily art practice even if it was just 10 or 20 minutes - using a different palette, gentle colours which spoke of hope and new growth.
But they're just not me, not the real me who wants to sing from the hill tops or run down the street and shout my joy to the world. My true colours are strong and bold and alive. There are plenty of days when I don't feel like this but when I get the paintbrush in my hand and the goddess chooses the colours these brights are what my soul is singing about.
What makes your soul sing? Do you do it often enough? What simple steps could take you there? What self care do you need to get your mojo back?
Have a lovely Easter weekend - go celebrate Ostara in whatever way floats your boat...
From my joyful heart to yours
Rachel xox