
A pause

My blog has been paused since 2014 when I became ill with what was later diagnosed as ME/CFS.

I have left old posts up because they may give some insight into my painting and creative process.

I'm hoping this year (2018), I can restart the blog - maybe in a simplified form.

In the meantime, please follow me on Instagram (rachelellenandrews) as that's my favoured social media platform. I look forward to seeing you there :)




pictures for an exhibition

So excited to tell you that these little paintings will soon be on show in a beautiful gallery!! 

Tomorrow I'm taking them to Art & Rose Gallery in Pocklington near York for their 'Figurative Forms' exhibition.  This runs from 2 May - 25 June - so if you live locally or if you're visiting York during May/June please pop in and have a look.

You can see them in a bit more detail in my online gallery for 2013. 

There will also be prints and cards

Have a great weekend whatever you're up to - I hope there's an art date in there somewhere!

From my heart to yours

Rachel xox


Blooming Inspiration

The flowery muse is still in residence :-)

And my lovely Instagram friend, Sandy Morcom, asked me if I would share my inspiration for this series of flower paintings. I was going to reply on IG but realised that it wasn't a one sentence answer so here we go...

I love flowers and plants. I have plants all over my house and always like to have some fresh flowers.

I've painted and drawn plants and flowers before but maybe you haven't seen them. Some of these paintings are over in the gallery, some are in sketchbooks, there's a whole series of 'flower fairies' and my goddess paintings (also in the gallery) and journal pages nearly all include some organic shapes or plant forms.

When I was creating my goddess pages for 21 Secrets I started to think that it would be fun to make some paintings just about flowers rather than goddess and flowers. Not that long after, the flowers burst open onto my canvas when I had been having an extremely challenging day with video technology. Having cried with frustration I came into the studio and started to re-do a goddess painting that I had got stuck with.

I turned the canvas upside down, looked into the colours and energy of the painting and saw flowers rather than goddesses. Two hours later and MY energy had transformed PLUS the goddess in the painting was singing to me again.

You see, I'm starting to think that although I love to paint the goddess, she doesn't have to be IN the canvas every time for me to honour her and talk to her.

Since then, I don't seem to have stopped; the paint has flowed, the flowers have bloomed onto my canvases, Ostara is looking over my shoulder and I have her approval.

PLUS these paintings are helping me get through a testing period of health problems - but that may be a post for another day.

If you want to see more flower paintings, just flip back through the last few blog posts or you can visit/follow my Instagram or Flickr feed to see my photos everyday (I'm over at IG and Flickr as Rachellen333).

Phew! That was quite a long answer to your question Sandy, I'm glad I didn't try to reply on IG! It's been useful for me too to examine the why, so thank you :-)

What's blossoming for you dear heart, what motifs are blooming on your canvas and inspiring you right now?  Please share - I always like to hear from you.

From my blossoming heart to yours

Rachel xox

ps don't forget to sign up here to stay in the loop about my upcoming ecourse - painting or journaling??? what do you think? You know what to do...


Celebrating the Spring Equinox and the return of the Goddess

I'm a day late; the Spring equinox was yesterday - but I think Ostara will forgive me as I am totally in thrall to her just now.

My painting energy the last few weeks has been devoted to Spring flowers - which is absolutely the energy of Ostara - that of growth and the bringing of new promise. I love flowers all year round, but I think especially in the Spring.  

This wave of painting started the day I was ready to give up on all technology - testing times - it came in with Brigid who lays the hopes for the return of Spring and has completely burst open into all these paintings with the return of Ostara.

Ostara is goddess of fertility, renewal, creativity and Easter (the word Easter comes from her name). This year Easter is in April, but March belongs to Ostara.  The name for the equinox on the medicine wheel is also Ostara. 

This is a time for planting seeds both practically in the garden but also spiritually and emotionally. It is time to move on from the hibernation of winter and into a new season of creativity and growth.  

The equinox is also a point of balance, between the dark and the light.  At Ostara, the light returns, the days become longer and (hopefully) warmer, the energy becomes more expansive.  

To celebrate the equinox and the return of the Goddess, take some time to: 

  • Bring some daffodils indoors and admire their showy yellow gorgeousness 
  • Sow some seeds or plant some summer bulbs in the garden
  • think about your own point of balance - are you in balance or do some things need a little tweaking? (I know I need to do this!)
  • Sow some seeds creatively - think about what new project/s you might take on this year.

My newest project is my ecourse - expect to hear much more about it over the next few weeks as my draft ideas become firmed up and more of a plan emerges.  This idea has been a seed for a long time now - time for it to grow and blossom...

Sign up here to stay in the loop.

Have a lovely Spring weekend - I hope the sun is shining for you and the daffodils blooming

From my heart to yours

Rachel xox



Giveaway winner! (and a little note about creativity)

We have a winner!!

Congratulations to Jacqui Hall!!!  Connie will be in touch to tell you what happens next.  You are going to love 21 Secrets!!

A truly heartfelt thanks to all of you who entered.  All I asked was that you leave a comment as to why you want to take part in 21 Secrets.  But some of you really opened your hearts and I thank you especially for this.  

A common theme seems to be making a connection with your creative self and your creativity.  And this is a theme which really resonates with me.  

I had many, many years (over 20 of them) when I was not in touch with my creative self.  She was pushed into the background for a multitude of reasons.  But about three years ago when her whispers became too loud to ignore, I allowed her back in to my life.  This wasn't easy and it took time but I am so glad that I did. The JOY that I feel when I am in my creative space and in flow is something I now cannot live without. I wonder how I lived for so long without feeling that joy.  

I am feeling more and more drawn to help women make this connection (or often reconnection) with their creative self.

Unfortunately, I only have one spot to give away on 21 Secrets (generously donated by Connie). However, I am designing my own ecourse which will be starting at the end of April.

The purpose of this course will be to help you make that creative connection - it may be through art journalling or through painting, I haven't decided yet.  But the purpose will be the same - connection to your creativity, connection to Source and Flow, connection to JOY... 

I so want you to experience the joy too...

If you think you might like to come on this journey with me - then sign up here to stay in the loop (no pressure or commitment).  

From my heart to yours

Rachel xox

ps if you're new here, you might want to sign up for my newsletter (as a small thank you, you'll receive some of my art to download)