It's been a strange couple of weeks with some family drama sent to test us. It is all sorted out now (favourably thank goodness) and we can all breath again.
Art has got me through the questions going through my head in the last few days. It gave me something else to concentrate on during this worrying time and my journal pages gave me a place to spill my thoughts. If you look at a page, you won't be able to read the words and I don't know what they say either, it was a process and a healing process. The words were never meant to be re-read, just got out of my head and onto the page.
So the creative process, as I have found now and before, is very healing. And I have realised that other people are finding my work healing too!! Result!! I get healing doing it and you feel healed looking at it - who knew?
The comments I have had include:
I love your tribe pictures--they make me feel a certain "part of-ness"
I really like your people
I find them healing to look at
I've been using my 'tribal questing' process that I blogged about a few weeks ago in my post Hidden Treasure It is a personal quest for me, unearthing these little people who just seem to step onto the page or float up out of the colour.
For me, the little figures are parts of me, soul fragments, ancestors or angels looking down and looking after me. They are all these aspects but all parts of me and all parts of all of us, for in reality we are all one. We are all linked; we are all part of the whole, part of the great Creator. Perhaps this is why people feel that they resonate with my tribes...
We all need a tribe or tribes to belong to - family, friends, online, offline... My family has had its drama this week, but my online tribe and friends in real life gave me real support.
One of my favourite tribes is the TAJ Community (Inspirations) group on Facebook. It's a private group run by Teresa Robinson and Mandy Steward otherwise known as the Art Journallers. It's a wonderful supportive group whether you are a newbie or a seasoned journaller. There is real support here for sharing journal pages and inspiration for art journaling.
My other favourite tribe at the moment is Instagram - I've met some wonderful creative people there - another source of real support and inspiration and an amazing willingness to share techniques and ideas. If you want to meet up I'm Rachellen333 - hope to see you there.
My tribes are also for celebrating!!! And I'm celebrating taking my first steps towards offering my artwork for sale - to get the updates on this in your mail box (and other news), sign up for my newsletter at the top of the page. I'd love to hear from you and let you know when I have my prints and paintings for sale.
How are you relating to your tribes this week? Hanging out, having fun, sharing artwork and ideas...
From my questing heart to yours...
Rachel xox