
Celebrating the Spring Equinox and the return of the Goddess

I'm a day late; the Spring equinox was yesterday - but I think Ostara will forgive me as I am totally in thrall to her just now.

My painting energy the last few weeks has been devoted to Spring flowers - which is absolutely the energy of Ostara - that of growth and the bringing of new promise. I love flowers all year round, but I think especially in the Spring.  

This wave of painting started the day I was ready to give up on all technology - testing times - it came in with Brigid who lays the hopes for the return of Spring and has completely burst open into all these paintings with the return of Ostara.

Ostara is goddess of fertility, renewal, creativity and Easter (the word Easter comes from her name). This year Easter is in April, but March belongs to Ostara.  The name for the equinox on the medicine wheel is also Ostara. 

This is a time for planting seeds both practically in the garden but also spiritually and emotionally. It is time to move on from the hibernation of winter and into a new season of creativity and growth.  

The equinox is also a point of balance, between the dark and the light.  At Ostara, the light returns, the days become longer and (hopefully) warmer, the energy becomes more expansive.  

To celebrate the equinox and the return of the Goddess, take some time to: 

  • Bring some daffodils indoors and admire their showy yellow gorgeousness 
  • Sow some seeds or plant some summer bulbs in the garden
  • think about your own point of balance - are you in balance or do some things need a little tweaking? (I know I need to do this!)
  • Sow some seeds creatively - think about what new project/s you might take on this year.

My newest project is my ecourse - expect to hear much more about it over the next few weeks as my draft ideas become firmed up and more of a plan emerges.  This idea has been a seed for a long time now - time for it to grow and blossom...

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Have a lovely Spring weekend - I hope the sun is shining for you and the daffodils blooming

From my heart to yours

Rachel xox


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December 21, 2021 | Unregistered Commenterireehara
December 21, 2021 | Unregistered Commenterireehara
December 21, 2021 | Unregistered Commenterireehara

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