Self care and paintings

There's been a lot of painting going on recently and a lot of self care.
This has meant no blogging during August. An unplanned blogging break, but the self care has been entirely necessary and a break from computers where possible was a part of this. I'm lucky enough to be self employed and can set my own hours and schedule me time when I need it - for this I'm very grateful and feel very blessed to be where I am right now.
Other self care principles for me are:
taking walks with my beloved (or on my own)
being outside in my garden
being by the sea (as much as possible - given that I don't actually live by the sea)
making time to spend with kindred spirits for meditation and healing (or just to chat and yes, I often chat to this lovely furry kindred)
self healing using Angelic Reiki (every day)
and, of course, art every day
What does your self care look like?
Do you take time out every day for yourself?
I'd love to hear from you... please leave your comments below...
From my grateful heart to yours
Rachel xox