Entries in winter solstice (1)


the warmth of winter

I've been winding down to the Solstice, how about you?

I wasn't winding down, I was winding myself up; at the end of last week I was feeling frazzled and stressed, plus my diary for this week was pretty full. How did that happen? But as I put out to the Universe that this run up to Christmas was all getting a bit too much, quite a few things got cancelled or re-arranged. Perhaps everyone else was feeling the same and the Universe stepped in to slow us all down (whether we were aware of it or not).

To help myself slow down, I returned to the studio for some painting time.

I've spent the last 6-9 months painting mostly in turqoise and green, so where did these reds and oranges appear from?

As we got nearer to the Solstice, I realised these fiery colours are for Vesta, goddess of hearth and home. This is what I needed, to draw close to home, light the candles and snuggle up cosy. This season is about the Home, being close to dear ones, and, at the time of the longest night, welcoming the return of the Light.

The painting process has helped me to relax and be in the moment rather than thinking all the time about what I 'have to' achieve. The colours are warming and cosy, grounding and uplifting simultaneously. The works are still in progress but I'm enjoying them immensely.

So my Solstice celebration will mostly be in my studio, with the paints and the canvases and Vesta and her fire. Because that's another thing about the Solstice, which celebrates the victory of the light over the dark - it symbolises bringing Light to our own potential - lighting our own fire... Come on baby...

How are you celebrating this Festival of Light? You're welcome here - I've got mulled wine and mince pies and Jim Morrison's on the iPod.

I wish you a cosy one...

From my heart to yours

Rachel xox

ps don't forget, my Goddess Inspirations Yearbook is on sale and the first month is free :-)