Entries in facing fears (1)


The Goddess, Truth & videotape

My main creative activity at the moment is creating my Glorious Goddess Workshop for 21 Secrets. As it's a secret (!) it's not easy to share images but as it's taking up so much of my time I'd like to share some of what's happening.

When Connie invited me to teach on 21 Secrets 2014 I was surprised and excited but more than a little scared.

I'm a qualified teacher, taught for years in Further Ed and I've taught lots of art and holistic/spiritual workshops in person. But taught online?  No... Taught through video?  No!! Created a video?  No!!!

Wow this has been a steep learning curve! And editing?!!! Thankfully I have a tech savvy son who has done his own research, created his own little videos and then written some Mum friendly tutorials for me on how to edit in Adobe Pro. Piece of cake :D (Actually I think he should be teaching, or selling these tutorials).  

This process has been a tough but invaluable exercise in facing my fears. Each day I have been walking through them as I set up my desk and camera.

What's interesting is that once I start the the video, start teaching, start creating and talking I move into flow.  This is a truth that I need to remember.

I'm still excited. And here's another truth - fear and excitement are flip sides of the same coin.

I'd love to share my Glorious Goddess workshop with you.  The launch date for 21 Secrets is the 1st April - just over 6 weeks away.  If you'd like to sign up jump over here. And there's more info here.

What fears are you facing today? Are you stepping up to meet them? I hope you feel supported, as I do, by the abundant flow that is always there for all of us...

From my heart to yours

Rachel xox

ps don't forget - if you would like to be kept in the loop about my upcoming ecourse - sign up here and for in person workshops here xxx

pps I do have another assistant who I couldn't do without...


Tigi from Rachel Andrews on Vimeo.