
writing v. painting 

Writing versus painting - do you have this kind of dilemma?

For me it's no contest really - painting always wins hands down.

But I'm writing a lot at the moment - a lot.

I'm writing: 

  • more regular blog posts  
  • a couple of guest posts
  • a course for someone else
  • my own online art courses

The ideas seem to be pouring in at the moment and I have to get them down on paper as soon as I can before they disappear.

I like writing - and I love writing courses.  But it's taking up a big part of my time that I would normally use for painting.

So, which do I do - writing or painting?   I don't want to have to make a choice.

So how to fit it all in?

I'm having to be much more organised with my time than usual - and I'm really not good with this.  I'm more of a 'go with the flow and see how things pan out' sort of person.  However, I'm beginning to see that scheduling time for writing is the only way I can get it done AND fit in my painting time (not to mention my therapy business).

With great serendipity (I love the way the Universe works) the Artizen Coaching Newsletter from Jennifer Lee -writer of the 'Right Brain Business Plan' - dropped into my inbox this week with 'Writing tips to help you with your book or other creative projects'.  

Jennifer's tips are: 

  • Schedule time - block out time in your diary for writing - then show up to the laptop/journal/notebook
  • Say 'no' to 'yes' - have boundaries, say 'no' more often, delegate where you can
  • Brain dump - get those ideas onto paper - mind map, journal, notebook, open a Word doc, email yourself
  • Repurpose - istead of staring at a blank page, use existing materials to build on - ie the ideas you've 'dumped', journals, scribbles, old blog posts etc etc
  • Put placeholders - if you get stuck on a section, make yourself a note about what will go in there and come back to it - this helps to keep moving forward
  • Go where there's flow - kinda related to putting placeholders - write the section that's flowing just now
  • Have an external deadline - there's nothing like a due date to hand in a finished product - if you're writing for yourself and you don't trust yourself to hit that deadline, get an accountability buddy and set a date
  • Trust - trust that you have something to say and that someone wants to read it.  Jen says, 'In the end, it comes down to simply trusting. Trusting that I have something to say. Trusting that I can say it. Trusting that what I have to say will have a positive impact. How will you remember to trust your own voice and creative process?'

These tips aren't just about scheduling time; they're about moving your creative project forward.  It's good to know that I am already doing some of these.  I already write down my ideas as soon as I can before they get lost.  I'm quite good at setting deadlines (though not perfect). I already repurpose, use placeholders and go where there's flow.  (And I realise, I do these things in my painting process too.)

But it was also interesting to note that these 'tips' for moving a project forward highlighted my issues. The biggies for me are scheduling time, saying 'no to yes' and 'trust'.  Now I know they are issues, I can work on them in my journal (more writing!).

Writing v. painting?   It's still painting - painting wins everytime. 

Are you a painter and/or a writer?  A journaler and/or a quilter?  Which of your creative projects claim more of your time?

Do you schedule time for your creative projects?

Do you trust that your voice will be heard and your art work be seen?

Have you got some tips that I could add to this list???

I'd love to hear from you.  Please leave your comments below!!

From my heart to yours

Rachel xox

ps don't forget to sign up for my newsletter to receive my blog updates, inspiring ideas, new artwork and workshop news direct to your inbox.

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Reader Comments (6)

lovely work. great post!

November 23, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterMaron

Thanks Maron! and thank you for taking time to read and commnt :-)

November 23, 2013 | Registered CommenterRachel Ellen Andrews

Thanks Rachel! I usually paint too, sometimes the quiet of painting inspires a new poem.

November 23, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterJudy Wood

Uh... Yes! Writer and painter. Those tips are so practical and relevant to me. The one about noting what you will do while continuing your momentum direction is HUGE for me. Writing and painting are similar experiences for me. Sometimes it comes at the same time. I put down the paintbrush and write so as not for forget what the painting is teaching me. I love this post so much.

November 23, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterAnna

Hi Judy - thanks for stopping by! I like the concept of a painting inspiring a poem - do you ever combine the two? xo

Anna! Hi!! Thanks for your feedback it's much appreciated and I'm so glad my post was relevant for you. I know exactly what you mean about writing and painting being similar experiences xo

November 25, 2013 | Registered CommenterRachel Ellen Andrews

The never-ending question: How can I make art when there is all this other business stuff to be done? Good ideas for getting on with it!

January 8, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterCris

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