Happy International Women's Day

It's the 8th March - International Women's Day - first observed in 1909 -over 100 years of celebrating women!! And so it should be....
IWD was first celebrated on the 8th March in 1975 during International Women's Year. (I was 18!!)
Most of my paintings are about celebrating the divine feminine within us. When I first painted this type of imagery in the 1980's the (predominantly) male art world didn't like it and couldn't cope with it. It was one of the reasons I stopped painting for such a long time. Thankfully, this time around I have a different audience now who love the goddess energy and celebrate the feminine.
Are you celebrating today? Are you proud to be a woman? I am...very proud of my divine femininity and womanliness, I hope you are too...
From my heart to yours
Rachel xox
Reader Comments (2)
Beautiful painting! Happy Women's Day to you!
Sofa, I just found this comment from you!! I always try and reply to comments, I don't know how I missed this one.
Love to you xox