
A Flower Fairy, a transition and a letting go


Today is the autumnal equinox and in my corner of the world here it involves a Flower Fairy Commission, a transition and a letting go.

This little painting is a commission.

It has a unique story, as do all painting requests. It is for my youngest son's girlfriend. They're both off to Uni today and Hannah asked if I could paint her a picture to put in her room! This came as a total surprise to me - a very lovely surprise but a bit of a shock really. You see, I had no idea that she liked my paintings. Neither she nor my son, James, have mentioned them before now. What's even more surprising is that James likes them too!! I was under the impression he thought my painting was just something a bit quirky that his mum did, nothing you shared with your girlfriend or discussed. But apparently not!!

I'm so pleased and proud and feel quite emotional about it. I also feel very honoured that this lovely young woman wants one of my paintings to adorn her wall. (and more than a little excited that a bit of goddess energy is going with them - they are both going to the same Uni)

It's been a strange time the last month, knowing that James is leaving soon. And now it's upon us. As a mother, you spend your life letting go of them - first play group, first day at nursery, first day at primary school, first sleepover, first scout camp, first day at secondary school, and more recently - the first music festival and a lads' holiday abroad.

For him, stepping onto his adult path, there's some reluctance - I want him to be excited but it's not apparent at the moment. I'm excited for him!! There will be tears, undoubtedly, but I wish him all he wants for himself; I wish him joy and lots and lots of love. 

On this day of equinox, the point of balance, when day and night are of equal length, my son and I stand poised in transition. He from childhood into his adult life and me from my being a mother with children at home and moving into my next adventure (and there is one I can assure you - details coming very soon!).

I feel as if we are both like the Fool in the Tarot, poised with one foot in the air ready to take the next step off the edge of the cliff, stepping through the portal into tomorrow not knowing what lies ahead but perfect in the knowledge that the Universe will support us, ready for adventure, ready for this new life phase. As James and I make this step of transition, I trust implicitly that we are perfectly supported as we step through the portal, perfectly supported by the abundant flow of the Universe and that only good will come rushing up to meet us as we take this next step.

Where are you today on this point of balance? Are there areas of your life that need more balance? Are you also in transition from one phase to another? Please share, I love to hear from you...

From my trusting and transitioning heart to yours

Rachel xox

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    Wonderful Website, Continue the great work. Thank you so much!
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    Response: 压瓦机厂
    灿烂却是近黄昏 每当心血来潮或在茶余饭后,总喜欢到那宽敞的文字长廊里看看走走,让指尖欣   压瓦机  然于方寸的键盘,把生活的点滴况味悬挂在文字长廊里的一隅。   夕阳西下,晚霞飞流,灿烂却是近黄昏。   晚饭后 一个人漫无目的的,只图享用这黄昏的清凉,欣赏夕阳的余晖装点出来的   壮丽。   绕过别墅,穿过草坪,是两处食肆露天大排档。食客们推杯换盏,酒杯上,   筷子落,杯杯先劝有钱人。   这里本来是个比较偏僻的地方,一条两车道的破 旧
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    rachellen - Blog - A Flower Fairy, a transition and a letting go

Reader Comments (4)

Oh Rachel! So many emotions here! How exciting to discover your son and his girlfriend admire your work, and indeed, what an honor she asked for one of your paintings! It will surely be very comforting to have your energy and that of the goddess going with them both as they head off to university and into the next stage of their lives. I'm not a mom, but I'm a daughter, and I can understand what it feels like to be on the threshold of another stage...part excitement and opening, part sadness and mourning, with a big dash of anxiety thrown in there. Yet with a few years behind us now, I think we benefit from knowing that we've had many starts and ends in life and have always come through; weatherbeaten and a bit more hesitant, perhaps, but stronger, wiser, more loving. And on this blessed day of reflection, of starts and ends and balance, we have the opportunity to once more ponder the amazing changes in life and the love and creativity that we pour into these times to transition into the next realm. Sending love and hope and strength to you <3

September 22, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterKristin McMillan

Not being a mother myself I can only imagine the range of emotions these milestones bring with them and I admire your grace and strength in acknowledging the transition while allowing your son to grow as he needs. It's a wonderful painting you're sending off and I'm sure it will be much admired....even if you're never told ;-)

September 22, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterLorinda @ Everyday Endeavours

What a lovely post! Thank you the reminder that it's a time of balance now. I love his new painting & wish you & your son all the best for these new experiences.

September 22, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterHearher

Kristin, thanks so much for your heartfelt reply - I'm feeling a bit weatherbeaten right now - this is going to take some getting used to!! xox

Lorinda - thank you - I'm trusting the process, and I hope the painting spreads a little love xox

Heather - lovely to hear from you! And thank you xox

September 24, 2013 | Registered CommenterRachel Ellen Andrews

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